Tuesday, August 30, 2011

California removes historic crosses PLUS: Best marriage advice you'll ever hear

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Gone Home to Jesus
Gone Home to Jesus

Rest in Jesus' arms, Sgt. Lucas Your battle is over.

Today's Bible Reading
1 Timothy 4:7b-16
Have nothing to do with profane myths and old wives tales. Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and...


Quiz: How Is Your Sleeping Pattern?
Quiz: How Is Your Sleeping Pattern?

People don't often realize how important getting just enough sleep is for a fresh, energetic and healthy life. Find out if your sleeping habits are aiding in your journey to a healthier you, or...

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Let Go!
Let Go!

Life is simple if you live by this simple motto: Dont worry, live righteously.

State removes crosses that stood at Inspiration Point for decades
State removes crosses that stood at Inspiration Point for decades

California's Department of Transportation has removed three crosses that have stood beside Highway 79 for years

"You Haven't Changed A Bit"
"You Haven't Changed A Bit"

I heard the phrase at least fifty times at my wife's high school reunion. The mighty Yellow Jackets of Sprayberry High School were together again.

The Best Marriage Advice You've Ever Heard
The Best Marriage Advice You've Ever Heard

Has someone given you great marital advice that has changed your life? As part of our Lessons for Living series, weve asked our readers and fans to share the best marriage advice they have ever...

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The Second Mile
The Second Mile

Choose to soar above normaland change your world! The Second Mile will help you experience in your heart and mind the powerful truth that you can live above the norm to accomplish things that...

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It Works, So Keep It Up!
It Works, So Keep It Up!

Are all those extra steps really doing anything for you? Yes, according to the research published in January in the British Medical Journal.

Daily Christian Wisdom

If were not growing, we must feel guilty, because we are not fulfilling Christs command.

- Evan Burrows, referring to the Salvation Army

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