Monday, August 22, 2011

Ground Zero Memorial Attacked

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ACLJ - American Center for Law and Justice  
Dear Juan Baptist,

From the ashes and rubble of the most horrific terrorist attack our nation has ever seen, rose a cross – two steel beams – what remained of one of the World Trade Center buildings after 9/11. It stands as a symbol of hope and a memorial to the thousands who lost their lives on that tragic day.
Now, an atheist group is suing to have the Ground Zero Cross removed from a new 9/11 museum at Ground Zero. The atheists want their day in court, but I don't think it's going to be a long day.

I am working with a senior team of attorneys to file our amicus brief defending this cross that was such an important source of inspiration to first responders in the days immediately after 9/11.

We need your voice in this fight. Please sign on to the Committee to Protect the Ground Zero Cross today.

By signing on to our Committee, you will not only be joining tens of thousands of other Americans who have taken action to support the Ground Zero Cross, you will also receive weekly updates, like this one, about the work of the ACLJ in defense of your constitutional freedoms.

When we file our amicus brief, we need your name on our brief alongside thousands of other Americans standing up for this important monument at Ground Zero. Please share this important opportunity with your friends and family as well by forwarding this email.

In the atheists' lawsuit, they claim that the cross is a symbol of Christianity that is being "imposed upon them through the power of the state." What is more, they assert that the very sight of it has caused them "symptoms of depression, headaches, anxiety, and mental pain and anguish." This is absurd.

Their lawsuit is not only legally flawed in their understanding of the Establishment Clause, it also fails to acknowledge the fact that this was not a monument manufactured as a symbol of Christianity – it was formed by two steel beams that survived in the shape of a cross as the Twin Towers collapsed around it. This cross is part of the history of 9/11.
Protect the Ground Zero Cross  Add your name to our Amicus Brief in defense of the Cross.  Sign Today
We are about to file our amicus brief in support of this cross. Join the ACLJ in standing up for the memory of all those who lost their lives on 9/11 and their families by signing on to the Committee to Protect the Ground Zero Cross.

Thank you for taking a stand with the ACLJ in support of this symbol of hope and healing for the families who lost loved ones in the brutal 9/11 terrorist attack, and thank you for taking advantage of this opportunity to sign up for the ACLJ’s free emails so that we can keep you up to date on the battles for faith and freedom.


Jay Sekulow
Chief Counsel
American Center for Law and Justice

P.S. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to visit the ACLJ's new website at, where you will find a wealth of information and resources concerning challenges to your constitutional freedoms.

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