Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Iran seizes 6,500 Bibles, burns 300 PLUS: Sticky faith for your kids

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I Am a Tree Hugger
I Am a Tree Hugger

My name is Kirsten and I am a tree hugger. I've never understood why some people find that offensive.

Prayer for Those Who Mourn
Almighty God, Father of all mercies and giver of all comfort: Deal graciously, we pray thee, with those who mourn


Sticky Faith for Your Kids
Sticky Faith for Your Kids

Everyday ideas to help Christian parents

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The Truth At Any Cost
The Truth At Any Cost

A few weeks ago I wrote a news blog about Americans becoming a bunch of liars. My source was the CBS Early Show. This week they have had an incredible story about honesty.

The convicted felon
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Years ago, a church in Florida learned they had hired a convicted felon. She had embezzled $150,000 from a federal judge.

The Place Setting
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It's not too late! Here is a fun video with insights from Veggie Tales!

Mothers are Heaven's Scent
Mothers are Heaven's Scent

Mothers are Heaven's Scent underscores the beauty and fragrance of a mother's heart as a woman, her role in Watch >>

Quiz: Is Your Sleep Pattern Healthy?
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People don't often realize how important getting just enough sleep is for a fresh, energetic and healthy life. Find out if your sleeping habits are aiding in your journey to a healthier you, or...

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Iran seizes 6,500 Bibles, burns 300, claims to be protecting youth
Iran seizes 6,500 Bibles, burns 300, claims to be protecting youth

A spokesman said the Bibles were confiscated to block missionaries who are trying to deviate our youth.


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