Monday, August 29, 2011

Richest man in town PLUS: Find your soulmate at any age AND: Do you know your Dr?

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539 Sturgis motorcyclists make professions of faith
539 Sturgis motorcyclists make professions of faith

More than 150 church folks witnessed to 4,800-plus bikers - resulting in a surprising number of bikers accepting Jesus

God Is Our Hope
God is our hope and strength,
a very present help in trouble.

Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be moved



I'll never forget my first glimpse of kudzu. All along the highway it looked as if the trees and other vegetation had disappeared and been replaced by huge mounds of green vines.

Porterhouse Steak or Pork Loin
Porterhouse Steak or Pork Loin

Have you ever met anyone who didn't know that difference between a porterhouse steak and a pork loin? I have, my husband.

You Can Find Your Soulmate at Any Age
You Can Find Your Soulmate at Any Age

Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? Try author Arielle Ford's "soulmate secrets" for navigating the world of love and romance.

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The Richest Man in Town
The Richest Man in Town

The Richest Man in Town by V.J. Smith is the inspiring story of a man who knew how to make each moment count. Marty Martinson ran a cash register at a discount store and actually listened to his...

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Do You Have a Good Relationship with Your Doctor?
Do You Have a Good Relationship with Your Doctor?

Is your doctor a partner in your good health, or do you feel unwelcome in the exam room? Take our quiz to assess your doctor-patient relationship.

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Living in a madhouse
Living in a madhouse

I hate Tuesday mornings. Most mornings around my house are insane, which is the way we like it, but Tuesday is the next step beyond insanity.

Trust Me!
Trust Me!

Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him (Job 13:15). Thats how I feel, Lord, I thought. This trial is too tough for me to handle.


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