Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seven Great Affirmations for the Unemployed; Plus, Take Our Quiz on Romantic Movies

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Be Grateful Even When Life Is Hard

Watch this excellent reminder to express our gratitude always even when things arent as they should be.

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Today's Inspirational Stories
Quiz: Romance Movies

Who doesn't love a great romantic film? You know, the kind that makes you crymaybe even soband at the same time makes you...

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10 Ways to Handle Change

Life's transitions are ultimately positive, even if they don't always feel it. Here's how to navigate them gracefully.

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Seven Great Affirmations for the Unemployed

Seven affirmations to overcome unemployment and the negative emotions surrounding it from the book "The 7 Great Prayers" by...

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Today's featured Blogs
The Truth Is In The Details

Life is amazing. It becomes even more amazing when you tune into the details.

Why Nothing Should Be Taken for Granted, Including YOU!

Any time you feel taken for granted, youre allowing yourself to be a victim. You're not powerless.

Quote of the Day

Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, and only character endures.

- Horace Greeley

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